Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation while he was at the island of Patmos enduring the wickedness of society. He was exiled there by the evil ruler who got offended at his preaching. However, under such circumstance, God revealed His will to the apostle. He wrote the last book of the entire word of God. He gave clear messages to seven local churches in Asia Minor. Unfortunately, all these local churches lost their witness and eventually their existence in that region of the world.
Regardless of the local church’s size and leadership, she can lose her stance and witness. The world will laugh at her demise from the place where she used to declare God’s word to the people. How did these local churches lose their witness? Why did they cease to exist in spite of God’s promise in Mat. 16:18? Let us study that we may all be forewarned by these messages to the churches.
As a local church can we lose our witness and existence at the present location? Can we lose our strong fundamental Baptist stance? Can we lose also our spiritual existence at the place where we are now? Can we become a church that exists but ceases to remain on old historical truths?
Of the seven local churches in Asia Minor, namely; Ephesus (2:1-7), Smyrna (2:8-11), Pergamos (2:12-17), Thyatira (2:18-29), Sardis (3:1-6), Philadelphia (3:7-13), and Laodicea (3:14-22), five of them were issued a divine rebuke. All of them were commended except Laodicea. All of them were also exhorted to do something. They were also given divine promise. I shall focus on the rebukes unto these five (5) churches. Perhaps the reasons for the rebukes were contributory to the death of these churches in that region.
My desire is that we may be forewarned from the possible death of our local church due to neglect in any of above causes which led them into oblivion, if not cessation.
First, the Ephesian church was rebuked for forsaking her first love (2:1-7). The saints there were of the second generation. They remained true to the sound doctrines and practice. However, they lacked deep devotion to the God of their forefathers. Their hearts were not on fire for God though they subscribed to fundamental doctrines and ways. They seemed to appear like the Israelites in the days of the prophet Amos. They were not devoted to God.
Cornerstone people of the second generation, this fits you all. You who are young people today, whose ages range from 20 years and below, listen very well! You are prone to this error and may need to heed the same rebuke if this is true. Even we of the current generation after having been 20 years or so in the Christian life, are inclined to lose our first love for the Lord. We may continue membership in this Cornerstone church, unquestionably militant fundamental Baptist church, but if our heart has lost great fire for the Lord, then we are in a similar situation as this local church. Beware as we may get lost soon!
Second, the Pergamos church was rebuked for allowing their members to hold false doctrines (2:12-17). Either their local pastor or the leadership has allowed the false teachings of Balaam and Nicolaitans to prevail in their midst. Balaam caused Israel to spiritually stumble. It is similar with any doctrine or way that may cause members to stumble over certain doctrines. It involves departure from once held belief or moving to a new belief. Either way will qualify for Balaam’s way. Nicolaitanism involves compromise with the world’s morality and pagan’s way. Such were also permitted in this local church.
As church pastor, leaders, and members, we are never to allow anyone in belief and behavior to cause our members to stumble over certain doctrine or manner by departing from our old cherished doctrines or moving into a new belief. That will cause the fall of this church. Let us not allow modern day Balaam and Nicolas in our membership. They must repent from such errors and embrace the true ones. Diligent teaching must be employed to counter their possible deterioration. Beware of departing from the cherished belief that God’s true word was preserved in the texts that underlie the KJV Bible. Embrace not the trend of moving into newer versions, i.e. NASV, ESV, NIV due to their superior scholarship. Remain in the old path and old way!
Third, the Thyatira church was rebuked for tolerating immorality and idolatry (2:18-29). God rebuked this local church as she allowed “modern day” Jezebel to corrupt her people with sexual immorality and pagan idolatry. In the OT Jezebel corrupted the nation and influenced even king Ahab to her side. This church’s members either remained in such worldly practices or tolerated others in such evil ways. God assured that her children will cease to exist as a divine consequence for such depravation.
God designed that church people who fell in such sins must be corrected. They must be shown the gravity of sins and its consequences. Tolerating them is wrong. Immorality is rampant today even among God’s people. Paul warned about it in Ephesians 5:3 that it should not be mentioned among them. Believers are increasingly materialistic today. Materialism is a sign of paganism. Idolatry is not only the mere possession of religious idols. The pursuit of more money for selfish reasons today is the measurement of success. Lottery is increasing and enticing more people. Beware of them, Cornerstone people! We must spew out the unrepentantly immoral and idolatrous church members! Else we will cease to exist. Younger Cornerstone people you are duty bound to do the same if you want this church to remain in your generation.
Fourth, the Sardis church was rebuked for being spiritually dead (3:1-6). She developed a façade of spiritual vitality. People and colleagues rendered them as an effective and alive local church. They were at the heart of a trading area. Thus they exercised influence over other churches. But Christ stripped them of their hypocritical robe. And the real condition was disclosed — a spiritually dead church. Why were they such? First, they actually did things not out of devotion to Christ. Second, they failed to complete their duty as believers to Him. Third, God was not pleased over their life and ministry.
I fear the coming bema judgment of the Lord. None of us could escape that day! Let us examine now our hearts’ motive of service to Him, lest our labors be burned for nothing! Let us ensure we do things in His way that we may not be rejected, too. Let us not strive to please people and be promoters instead of the Lord who will scrutinize our heart and labor. Let us go to the field out of devotion for Christ. Let us sacrificially give after having been impressed by Christ’s great sacrificial love. Let us give our young children to the Lord even with the thought of possible poverty and death because of the Father’s love and giving up the Son. Beware of getting busy out of a dead heart! Get busy for the Lord out of a convicted heart to love Him who loved us first.
Finally, the Laodicea church was rebuked for being lukewarm (3:14-22). This church was wealthy and blessed with greater resources. With that they became contented and complacent. They did not strive to spiritual growth. They did not labor to earn spiritual rewards in the heavens. Thus, they were spiritually poor, wretched, and blind. The water in Laodicea was piped from city of Hierapolis and reached the place lukewarm. Their physical environment affected their spiritual condition. They were not zealous for the Lord’s work there. Many local churches typify Laodicea. May it not be said of us, Cornerstone!
When we serve God at the local church without zeal and passion then we signify Laodicea. When we do things in church ministry without intensity we are lukewarm. How is your church attendance recently? Have you increased in tithes, mission offerings, or expansion fund offerings recently? What progress did you make in your academic studies CBMS students? Are you intensely growing in teaching ministry? Mission workers are you intensely in love with your ministry and the people you are reaching? Beware of the spirit of Laodicea in your life, in your work, in your family, and in our church.
All these local churches got lost throughout time. Christ’s warning to them was fulfilled. Let us seriously heed this warning. We may lose our entrusted ministry if we fail to listen to this message. Our church may cease to exist at the current place if we disobey God’s warning. Our cessation will not run contrary to Christ’s promise in Matthew 16:18 — church perpetuity. Rather such consequence will bring shame upon us servants of the Lord and members of Cornerstone! Amen.
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