By Pastor Jed Raquintan
As the street marchers prepare for rally in the afternoon of February 29, 2008, news was aired about BIBLEMODE leader Rev. Dr. Benny Abante and officers’ call for President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s cabinet secretaries to resign over the allegations of corruption. The call also issued a threat of changing support to the President if she does not improve her governance. I acknowledge the right of these Baptist pastors to exercise freedom of expression. But I think of the biblical validity and historical consistency of their action. Is it right for Baptist pastors to call on high governmental officials to resign?
Some biblical principles will invalidate this action. First, Romans 12:2 commands Christians to stop being molded in external actions like the unsaved. Calling either the President or her cabinet secretaries to resign is an ungodly Filipino culture that started in EDSA 1. It is again being drummed up by some sectors and imitated by BIBLEMODE.
Acts 5:29 provides a basis for civil disobedience among Baptist. However, the elements of the context are absent in the current uproar. There is no law that prohibits Baptists to exercise their cherished beliefs and practices. If we disagree with the ways the government runs the bureaucracy we are still to follow and support it. If violation of existing laws exists then we must bring the matter before the proper courts.
Romans 13:1-7 commands Baptists to follow government authorities. Resistance, in verse 2, includes standing against or opposed to the authorities. Submission is not absolute as shown in Acts 5:29. But the general rule is to follow the injunction of authorities. The act of opposing is tempting in this current noise. Noticeably, the Baptist leader seems to be more supportive of the fallen Speaker Jose De Venecia, than to these injunctions.
2 Peter 2:1, 10 describes the character of false prophets and teachers. Religious cults and Romanists model this. The former is passively uninvolved in the noise. The latter is active but careful in crafting her public statements. To be seen on the streets like these two are fitting qualities of false teachers. But, for the Baptists who claim to be as fundamentalists, to speak and to act in a similar fashion, to despise government, and not be afraid to speak evil of dignities, is evil.
Apostle Paul never acted in a manner similar to the Baptist pastors’. When his right was violated at Philippi in Acts 16:35-40, he just let it happen. He aired petitions in the right manner thereafter. He filed a complaint before the right courts without creating uproar or imitating the current mob culture of some. He was always victimized by uproars like in Thessalonica and in Jerusalem.
Baptists must consider their cherished historical practices. Rev. Abante’s call to resign is the first deviation in Baptists’ political behavior. This is inconsistent with historic Baptist belief and practice of State support. We never saw this during the Marcos era or in any other era. Thus it is proper to call it as the first public apostasy in Baptists tradition.
In light of this departure, we must obey 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15. Let us remain a separatist Baptist. Violation of this will nullify our claim of being true fundamental Baptists. Romans 16:17 commands us to reject the action of BIBLEMODE. The text warns against divisions and scandals it creates. And having seen their current position, we must mark and avoid them. We are not to fellowship with them as they lead us away from the truth (Deut.13:5, 10, 13). We are not to act based on trumped up machination or unfounded accusations. Let us abide by the rule of law. Let us pray and keep our high respect of State officials (1Tim.2:1-2). Let us not follow the clamor of the majority if it’s evil and unlawful (Exodus 23:1-2). Amen!
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