Apostle Peter wrote this second letter to address the need of the first century believers. They were tempted to depart from the sound doctrines of the faith. Some professing people groups were influencing them away from the truth. He encouraged them to spiritually grow so they can combat such temptation. Peter was a man who acted like a modern day local church pastor concerned about his members. He showed accuracy in his theological positions on various areas discussed in the book. In the study on apostasy, this book is a must reading as it discloses many aspects concerning the subject.
One lady church member asked me years ago, “If these religious cults are indeed wrong in their teaching then why are they growing fast?” If we are to read the news and statistics in Europe and USA, then you will be surprised at the astounding numerical growth of Islam as a religion in those once “Christian nations.” If you visit the northern part of Luzon, Philippines you will see the Muslim traders fast spreading in the marketplace and their mosques gradually being built. As a child, I never saw any Muslim trader in my province in the 1970s. But today even in our remote town you will see them. Soon, their mosque will also be constructed. In the end of 1980s as I ministered in Villasis, Pangasinan mission work I never saw any Muslim trader at the market. After less than 20 years I saw them selling goods and perhaps at this time of writing their mosques are under way.
The advent of the Americans in our land at the turn of the past century brought religious freedom to the Filipinos. Our ancestors gloried in that blessing. But with that freedom the false religionists and cultists came as well. Thus, later the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Mormons, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses came to our religious shore. In less than two decades, thereafter, the indigenous religious cult known as the Iglesia ni Cristo was born (1914) in Manila and is now an economic, political, and social institution to reckon with. This group’s influence will be complicated by the commencement of other false religious groups, such as but not limited to, the Ang Dating Daan, the Fourth-Watch Church, and the Quiboloy Church (Jesus the Name Above Every Name).
Why do we have this false religious development? Why is the Romanist Church continuing to flex her religious and political muscles in our people? As someone asked me in the past for an answer, here is God’s answer to the above question.
Apostle Peter prophesied in our text the coming of the false teachers and prophets. He declared how they would develop. He told us how they would affect people. And He discussed their manner of leading people as well as their attitude to the truth.
First, Peter disclosed their origin – from the local group of true saved people (v.1a). The false prophets will claim to have special communication access with God even if it can not be biblically verified. They will come from among God’s people. As such they used to be part of true Christian churches. Apostle John’s declaration helps here (1 Jn.2:19). Either they would be expelled by the godly church leaders due to their error or they will depart from the godly church as the latter is unwilling to adapt to their teaching. It shows that they used to have contacts with the sound teaching churches.
Second, Peter declared their teachings and acts (v. 1b). They will smuggle in (the local churches) their teachings. It will be shared under the cover of other sound teaching matters. They will creep into until the whole structure is influenced. The teaching will be of man’s origin. It has no apostolic origin. The teaching will bring destruction either in organization, in teaching, and in people’s lives. They will deny the sufficiency and substitutionary work of Christ. They will criticize the simplicity of such work relative to salvation. Finally, they themselves will be destroyed and doomed. They will deteriorate from the orthodox doctrinal position. Refusing Christ’s offer of salvation at the Cross they are headed to eternal destruction in the lake of fire.
Third, Peter foretold their large number of followers (v. 2). Many will embrace their new teachings and ways of life. Some of God’s people will follow them. This last group is called apostates. People will be enticed by their example described by the author as evil. The false teachers’ lifestyle will be lascivious and uncontrolled. In spite of this wickedness, large mass of people will follow them. They will see the false teachers’ lifestyle as the norm. People will be mesmerized by the false teachers’ aggressiveness in attacking sound teaching and presenting it as false. This is the very act of many false religions towards the historical and apostolic teaching. If you were to number the false religious groups in the country, namely the INC, ADD, PMCC, Quiboloy’s, the SDAs, the JWs, the Mormons, and the RCC, then the fundamental Baptists would be insignificant in number. Each group claims at least a million members while the RCC has 80% of the entire population.
Fourth, Peter discussed their manner (v. 3). As mentioned above, false teachers and prophets attacked the truth and aimed at presenting it as the false one. If you watch their TV programs and read their papers the same attitude is manifested. They will engage in acts that exploit the members. They will trade their doctrine like a commercial product for a substantial gain. Their leaders are in great luxury and ostentatious life as a result of successful trading. Indeed, religion in this sense becomes a big money-making enterprise. All these religions learn the trade from the great mother whore of the Romanists. She occupies the professorial chair of religious enterprising course offered by the University of Rome funded by the endowments of false Peters.
Fifth, Peter assured their damnation (v. 3). As they victimized people even those who once professed Christ as Savior, God will not neglect their deserving punishment. God does not sleep over their case. Their deserved judgment is actively being prepared. It is gaining momentum and will be unleashed at the designated time. So the godly faithful Christians need not worry about apparent divine toleration. We must worry about not working hard to preserve the remnant and striving to win the deceived (Titus 1:9-11).
The birth and growth of false teachers and churches are prophesied. We can not change that. But we are equipped by the prophecy. We are to forearm our people from such vicious attacks from them. We are to encourage the church members to diligently study the Word for their own growth and strength. Then we are to strive to win back the deceived ones into the Lord. Evangelism must be intensified at all fronts. Doctrinal grounding at the Sunday School and home levels as well as at secular studies must also be intensified. Every sector leader is to work harder to protect his herd. Every missionary worker is to prevent the deceivers from entering his flock. The man of God must ever be militant to carry on this spirited passion to present the local church pure before the Great Shepherd at His coming. Amen.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Brewing Apostasy among Baptists
By Pastor Jed Raquintan
As the street marchers prepare for rally in the afternoon of February 29, 2008, news was aired about BIBLEMODE leader Rev. Dr. Benny Abante and officers’ call for President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s cabinet secretaries to resign over the allegations of corruption. The call also issued a threat of changing support to the President if she does not improve her governance. I acknowledge the right of these Baptist pastors to exercise freedom of expression. But I think of the biblical validity and historical consistency of their action. Is it right for Baptist pastors to call on high governmental officials to resign?
Some biblical principles will invalidate this action. First, Romans 12:2 commands Christians to stop being molded in external actions like the unsaved. Calling either the President or her cabinet secretaries to resign is an ungodly Filipino culture that started in EDSA 1. It is again being drummed up by some sectors and imitated by BIBLEMODE.
Acts 5:29 provides a basis for civil disobedience among Baptist. However, the elements of the context are absent in the current uproar. There is no law that prohibits Baptists to exercise their cherished beliefs and practices. If we disagree with the ways the government runs the bureaucracy we are still to follow and support it. If violation of existing laws exists then we must bring the matter before the proper courts.
Romans 13:1-7 commands Baptists to follow government authorities. Resistance, in verse 2, includes standing against or opposed to the authorities. Submission is not absolute as shown in Acts 5:29. But the general rule is to follow the injunction of authorities. The act of opposing is tempting in this current noise. Noticeably, the Baptist leader seems to be more supportive of the fallen Speaker Jose De Venecia, than to these injunctions.
2 Peter 2:1, 10 describes the character of false prophets and teachers. Religious cults and Romanists model this. The former is passively uninvolved in the noise. The latter is active but careful in crafting her public statements. To be seen on the streets like these two are fitting qualities of false teachers. But, for the Baptists who claim to be as fundamentalists, to speak and to act in a similar fashion, to despise government, and not be afraid to speak evil of dignities, is evil.
Apostle Paul never acted in a manner similar to the Baptist pastors’. When his right was violated at Philippi in Acts 16:35-40, he just let it happen. He aired petitions in the right manner thereafter. He filed a complaint before the right courts without creating uproar or imitating the current mob culture of some. He was always victimized by uproars like in Thessalonica and in Jerusalem.
Baptists must consider their cherished historical practices. Rev. Abante’s call to resign is the first deviation in Baptists’ political behavior. This is inconsistent with historic Baptist belief and practice of State support. We never saw this during the Marcos era or in any other era. Thus it is proper to call it as the first public apostasy in Baptists tradition.
In light of this departure, we must obey 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15. Let us remain a separatist Baptist. Violation of this will nullify our claim of being true fundamental Baptists. Romans 16:17 commands us to reject the action of BIBLEMODE. The text warns against divisions and scandals it creates. And having seen their current position, we must mark and avoid them. We are not to fellowship with them as they lead us away from the truth (Deut.13:5, 10, 13). We are not to act based on trumped up machination or unfounded accusations. Let us abide by the rule of law. Let us pray and keep our high respect of State officials (1Tim.2:1-2). Let us not follow the clamor of the majority if it’s evil and unlawful (Exodus 23:1-2). Amen!
As the street marchers prepare for rally in the afternoon of February 29, 2008, news was aired about BIBLEMODE leader Rev. Dr. Benny Abante and officers’ call for President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s cabinet secretaries to resign over the allegations of corruption. The call also issued a threat of changing support to the President if she does not improve her governance. I acknowledge the right of these Baptist pastors to exercise freedom of expression. But I think of the biblical validity and historical consistency of their action. Is it right for Baptist pastors to call on high governmental officials to resign?
Some biblical principles will invalidate this action. First, Romans 12:2 commands Christians to stop being molded in external actions like the unsaved. Calling either the President or her cabinet secretaries to resign is an ungodly Filipino culture that started in EDSA 1. It is again being drummed up by some sectors and imitated by BIBLEMODE.
Acts 5:29 provides a basis for civil disobedience among Baptist. However, the elements of the context are absent in the current uproar. There is no law that prohibits Baptists to exercise their cherished beliefs and practices. If we disagree with the ways the government runs the bureaucracy we are still to follow and support it. If violation of existing laws exists then we must bring the matter before the proper courts.
Romans 13:1-7 commands Baptists to follow government authorities. Resistance, in verse 2, includes standing against or opposed to the authorities. Submission is not absolute as shown in Acts 5:29. But the general rule is to follow the injunction of authorities. The act of opposing is tempting in this current noise. Noticeably, the Baptist leader seems to be more supportive of the fallen Speaker Jose De Venecia, than to these injunctions.
2 Peter 2:1, 10 describes the character of false prophets and teachers. Religious cults and Romanists model this. The former is passively uninvolved in the noise. The latter is active but careful in crafting her public statements. To be seen on the streets like these two are fitting qualities of false teachers. But, for the Baptists who claim to be as fundamentalists, to speak and to act in a similar fashion, to despise government, and not be afraid to speak evil of dignities, is evil.
Apostle Paul never acted in a manner similar to the Baptist pastors’. When his right was violated at Philippi in Acts 16:35-40, he just let it happen. He aired petitions in the right manner thereafter. He filed a complaint before the right courts without creating uproar or imitating the current mob culture of some. He was always victimized by uproars like in Thessalonica and in Jerusalem.
Baptists must consider their cherished historical practices. Rev. Abante’s call to resign is the first deviation in Baptists’ political behavior. This is inconsistent with historic Baptist belief and practice of State support. We never saw this during the Marcos era or in any other era. Thus it is proper to call it as the first public apostasy in Baptists tradition.
In light of this departure, we must obey 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15. Let us remain a separatist Baptist. Violation of this will nullify our claim of being true fundamental Baptists. Romans 16:17 commands us to reject the action of BIBLEMODE. The text warns against divisions and scandals it creates. And having seen their current position, we must mark and avoid them. We are not to fellowship with them as they lead us away from the truth (Deut.13:5, 10, 13). We are not to act based on trumped up machination or unfounded accusations. Let us abide by the rule of law. Let us pray and keep our high respect of State officials (1Tim.2:1-2). Let us not follow the clamor of the majority if it’s evil and unlawful (Exodus 23:1-2). Amen!
Walking in the Ways of the Lord
By Eden Raquintan
The prophet Samuel was one of the greatest men in the Old Testament. He was so named because his mother, Hannah, asked him of the Lord. Hannah was barren so she petitioned the Lord to give her a son with the promise that he shall serve Him all the days of his life. He started serving the Lord at a very tender age (at 4-5 years old) and did so faithfully until his death.
Unfortunately, the Bible does not speak well of his sons for they “walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.” (1 Sam. 8:3). Samuel was a man completely devoted to do God’s will, but his sons were not. Yes, when Samuel was old he made them judges over Israel, but they did not turn out to be the good judge that he was. They served God, but not faithfully.
As a mother, it is my prayer that someday my children would become the Lord’s servants in our church because I want them to experience the blessing and the joy that goes with faithful service to the Lord. However, I know that it will still take much teaching, nurturing, disciplining, and praying before I could see the fulfillment of my longing. Molding them in His precepts is not an easy task at all. I’m afraid that it is really getting harder and harder for us parents to teach our children to become faithful followers of the Savior.
These are dangerous times. I can wholeheartedly agree with Paul when he said, “perilous times shall come…” in 2 Tim. 3:1 ff. They have, indeed, come. Many of the characteristics of men described in this passage can be seen among us, and our children are not isolated that we can be sure they won’t be affected. The influence of the world is very much felt in many Christian homes.
Television is a powerful medium that has invaded most Christian homes to the destruction of our children. It has been a constant struggle for me and Pastor Jed if we are going to allow our children to watch tv regularly on weekends. Programs that promote homosexuality, fornication, rebellion (in the guise of freedom), and other ungodly acts are all over television. Constant exposure to these could make such loathsome acts acceptable to the viewers in the long run. If uncontrolled, it could also take much of their time which they could have spent in Bible reading, studying, or doing household chores and other more profitable endeavors.
Unknowingly, many of us have also allowed materialism to creep into our homes. A young boy who owns an old model mobile phone once told me, “Nakakahiya po itong cellphone ko kasi, hindi pwedeng idisplay.” Do people have cellphones in order to flaunt them? There‘s a couple who chose to pull out their son from a certain private school because he was gradually adopting the ways of his classmates. He was beginning to think that they were rich enough for him to be able to buy expensive toys, to frequently eat at fastfood chains, and to always go shopping at the mall. One parent aired her concern that the Christian School where her children are enrolled seems to be setting a tradition of having those who are celebrating their birthdays to have a party in class! I overheard another young man, pointing to his shoes, saying, “Hoy, branded ‘to. Galing ‘to abroad!” Are we not loving the world more than the things of God?
Difficult as it may seem, we have to do something about our situation. We should not let our children imbibe more of the world and less of God. One way is to have them join church activities instead of staying at home and watching tv or hanging around with unsaved classmates. Some of our young people come here every Saturday to conduct Bible Studies in the neighborhood and nearby communities. Sunday afternoons are spent in devotions, fellowship, and related activities. Secondly, let us diligently study God’s Word and teach our children the same. Do not just wait for Sunday for them to hear it. If they are not used to hearing His Word daily they won’t automatically be interested to hear it when they go to church. Lastly, let us walk our talk. We ought to be our children’s model, not the celebrities they see on television. No matter how much of God’s Word we teach them, as long as they don’t see it translated into our lives, they will not heed. Let us not walk as Christians on Sundays only. Let us walk as Christians should walk every single moment of our lives, whether our children and other people see us or not. God forbid that we would be the ones to influence our children to fall away from God’s truth.
The prophet Samuel was one of the greatest men in the Old Testament. He was so named because his mother, Hannah, asked him of the Lord. Hannah was barren so she petitioned the Lord to give her a son with the promise that he shall serve Him all the days of his life. He started serving the Lord at a very tender age (at 4-5 years old) and did so faithfully until his death.
Unfortunately, the Bible does not speak well of his sons for they “walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.” (1 Sam. 8:3). Samuel was a man completely devoted to do God’s will, but his sons were not. Yes, when Samuel was old he made them judges over Israel, but they did not turn out to be the good judge that he was. They served God, but not faithfully.
As a mother, it is my prayer that someday my children would become the Lord’s servants in our church because I want them to experience the blessing and the joy that goes with faithful service to the Lord. However, I know that it will still take much teaching, nurturing, disciplining, and praying before I could see the fulfillment of my longing. Molding them in His precepts is not an easy task at all. I’m afraid that it is really getting harder and harder for us parents to teach our children to become faithful followers of the Savior.
These are dangerous times. I can wholeheartedly agree with Paul when he said, “perilous times shall come…” in 2 Tim. 3:1 ff. They have, indeed, come. Many of the characteristics of men described in this passage can be seen among us, and our children are not isolated that we can be sure they won’t be affected. The influence of the world is very much felt in many Christian homes.
Television is a powerful medium that has invaded most Christian homes to the destruction of our children. It has been a constant struggle for me and Pastor Jed if we are going to allow our children to watch tv regularly on weekends. Programs that promote homosexuality, fornication, rebellion (in the guise of freedom), and other ungodly acts are all over television. Constant exposure to these could make such loathsome acts acceptable to the viewers in the long run. If uncontrolled, it could also take much of their time which they could have spent in Bible reading, studying, or doing household chores and other more profitable endeavors.
Unknowingly, many of us have also allowed materialism to creep into our homes. A young boy who owns an old model mobile phone once told me, “Nakakahiya po itong cellphone ko kasi, hindi pwedeng idisplay.” Do people have cellphones in order to flaunt them? There‘s a couple who chose to pull out their son from a certain private school because he was gradually adopting the ways of his classmates. He was beginning to think that they were rich enough for him to be able to buy expensive toys, to frequently eat at fastfood chains, and to always go shopping at the mall. One parent aired her concern that the Christian School where her children are enrolled seems to be setting a tradition of having those who are celebrating their birthdays to have a party in class! I overheard another young man, pointing to his shoes, saying, “Hoy, branded ‘to. Galing ‘to abroad!” Are we not loving the world more than the things of God?
Difficult as it may seem, we have to do something about our situation. We should not let our children imbibe more of the world and less of God. One way is to have them join church activities instead of staying at home and watching tv or hanging around with unsaved classmates. Some of our young people come here every Saturday to conduct Bible Studies in the neighborhood and nearby communities. Sunday afternoons are spent in devotions, fellowship, and related activities. Secondly, let us diligently study God’s Word and teach our children the same. Do not just wait for Sunday for them to hear it. If they are not used to hearing His Word daily they won’t automatically be interested to hear it when they go to church. Lastly, let us walk our talk. We ought to be our children’s model, not the celebrities they see on television. No matter how much of God’s Word we teach them, as long as they don’t see it translated into our lives, they will not heed. Let us not walk as Christians on Sundays only. Let us walk as Christians should walk every single moment of our lives, whether our children and other people see us or not. God forbid that we would be the ones to influence our children to fall away from God’s truth.
Little Foxes
By Annabelle Ragsac
Majority, if not all of us, Christian singles at CBC know that, physically, our duty is to remain sexually pure. We are also well versed of the “be not unequally yoked together” command in II Corinthians. Our Pastors keep on reminding and preaching topics on holiness, purity, propriety and modesty. Single Christian leaders have also a bunch of rule or policy in dealing with the opposite sex. However, it is sad to say that the most common cause of backsliding of singles in CBC, leaders or non-leaders, active or non-active, is the sin that has to do with those matters. Immorality is indeed a dreaded disease or a terror in the Church of Christ even in the early times.
If we are going to trace back how Christians fall into this trap, we can postulate that committing grievous errors do not start on big matters. They were committed initially by just entertaining ungodly thoughts. At the outset, Christians only marginalize those “minor rules” and commit “little compromises” and then “grievously err” because they are not truly determined to do what they know is right! Christians are fond of entertaining petty but dangerous adventurism. Little foxes spoil the vines, little sins can make a Christian miserable!
In my two decades of stay at CBC, I could not count the number of singles who have fallen to this sin of sexual impurity or immorality. It breaks our hearts every time we lose a brother or a sister for committing the sin of immorality. We shed great volume of tears when we discipline an erring brother or sister. But why do we keep on committing the same sins again and again and not learning from the past experiences? God forbid that a well taught and serving Christian will someday add to our current statistics. Oh, we must be able to remember and learn from our past experiences!
Some theologians define an apostate as someone who has once believed and then rejected the truth of God. We do not have to preach an erroneous gospel or strange doctrines to become an apostate. We do not have to be a member of a false Church to become an apostate. To fall away from the truth is to become an apostate and Christian singles may fall away from the truth in many different instances. Committing immorality leads to falling away. Indeed, Church history tells us that a lot of Christian singles fall away because of immorality. Further, we can also be a promoter of apostasy by damaging our testimony. If we are not careful with our conduct and manners, we can communicate a wrong signal and become a stumbling block. The unsaved being led by thousands will be hindered from coming to Christ due to our damaged testimony. Young believers likewise will be offended to join the church. The Pastor will find it difficult to reproduce church leaders/workers if the latter are not faithful. We can cause delay in the advancement of the Work of God. When we backslide, we rebel against God’s truths, thus, it is easy to become a real apostate!
The challenge for us now, singles, is making the right choices and keeping a life of purity and continuous service for our Lord and Saviour. May we be able to finish our course and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ.
Majority, if not all of us, Christian singles at CBC know that, physically, our duty is to remain sexually pure. We are also well versed of the “be not unequally yoked together” command in II Corinthians. Our Pastors keep on reminding and preaching topics on holiness, purity, propriety and modesty. Single Christian leaders have also a bunch of rule or policy in dealing with the opposite sex. However, it is sad to say that the most common cause of backsliding of singles in CBC, leaders or non-leaders, active or non-active, is the sin that has to do with those matters. Immorality is indeed a dreaded disease or a terror in the Church of Christ even in the early times.
If we are going to trace back how Christians fall into this trap, we can postulate that committing grievous errors do not start on big matters. They were committed initially by just entertaining ungodly thoughts. At the outset, Christians only marginalize those “minor rules” and commit “little compromises” and then “grievously err” because they are not truly determined to do what they know is right! Christians are fond of entertaining petty but dangerous adventurism. Little foxes spoil the vines, little sins can make a Christian miserable!
In my two decades of stay at CBC, I could not count the number of singles who have fallen to this sin of sexual impurity or immorality. It breaks our hearts every time we lose a brother or a sister for committing the sin of immorality. We shed great volume of tears when we discipline an erring brother or sister. But why do we keep on committing the same sins again and again and not learning from the past experiences? God forbid that a well taught and serving Christian will someday add to our current statistics. Oh, we must be able to remember and learn from our past experiences!
Some theologians define an apostate as someone who has once believed and then rejected the truth of God. We do not have to preach an erroneous gospel or strange doctrines to become an apostate. We do not have to be a member of a false Church to become an apostate. To fall away from the truth is to become an apostate and Christian singles may fall away from the truth in many different instances. Committing immorality leads to falling away. Indeed, Church history tells us that a lot of Christian singles fall away because of immorality. Further, we can also be a promoter of apostasy by damaging our testimony. If we are not careful with our conduct and manners, we can communicate a wrong signal and become a stumbling block. The unsaved being led by thousands will be hindered from coming to Christ due to our damaged testimony. Young believers likewise will be offended to join the church. The Pastor will find it difficult to reproduce church leaders/workers if the latter are not faithful. We can cause delay in the advancement of the Work of God. When we backslide, we rebel against God’s truths, thus, it is easy to become a real apostate!
The challenge for us now, singles, is making the right choices and keeping a life of purity and continuous service for our Lord and Saviour. May we be able to finish our course and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ.
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