In the course of pastoral work of visiting people, sometimes I am asked about the origin of the Baptist faith. Others from the Romanists background would immediately dump the Baptists as Protestants. They say it with an inflated head as if the former were truly of ancient origin. Some misinformed and not so intelligent media people due to their narrow and Romanist bias, occasionally charge the Baptists as foreign imperialists puppets. At times this may have some pinch of truth because of some poorly educated Christian groups. The Jesuits would like us to believe that the Baptists were no older than the Protestants. Though, our Baptists forefathers brought the faith into this land as the American invaders entered. Yet, that does not mean we started only sometime in the late 19th century.
Let me share with you brethren a very important portion of true church history. This lesson I want to share with you was kept by the Romanist educators from the inquirers. The ecumenical proponents adulterated its purity to promote their interest. They even lambasted the puritanical propagators of truth and charged them with sowing division and as anti-peace proponents.
My point in this treatise is to show you from the Bible that the Baptist faith is unique. Then it was even imitated by the same Protestant groups without recognition of the origin. Even the Romanists, who were guilty of terrible human rights violations during the Dark Ages and Reformation period, escaped the rule of law then. Now they are proposing and espousing ecumenism in all fronts to lead the fundamental Christians into final defeat. Space in this paper will not allow me to fully exhaust the uniqueness of the faith of Baptists. I suggest you take a look and study deep into the Word of God the following passages supporting every claim.
First, true Baptists believe in Biblical authority. Passages such as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:20-21 are foundational in this belief. Baptists regard the Bible as the supreme and final basis of all belief and behavior. We do not worship the book itself as some ignorant critics would like the public to be conditioned that Baptists are guilty of bibliolatry. Our forefathers paid the price of this teaching so that many Baptists were massacred by the Romanists during the Reformation period and their properties confiscated without fair trial. I think the many Romanists adherents today would like to erase this past dark image of their church by being propagators of human rights. It’s plain hypocrisy for the Romanists to be defenders of such rights while the victims of the pasts were never vindicated. They did it because of their belief in the doctrine of papal authority. Until now many Filipinos are still following the many errors of their church simply because of time and tradition factors. Even if they know that the Bible clearly teaches that making and revering idols are blatantly false. For decades their church has taught that there is a limbo, the place where unbaptized infants go. But recently, the pope changed it and said there is no such place called limbo. Yet many educated Filipinos are silently abiding with it or not speaking critically about it as they do not want to rock the Roman church or are afraid of papal and cardinals eternal pronouncements to their souls. Whereas, we Baptists must never get tired and must never depart from this holy and Christ doctrine that His word (all the inspired scriptures- the 66 books) are sufficient to guide us into completion. It was the Romanists who departed from the scriptural teaching that the Baptists have carried on and stood for for centuries even before the rebellion of the Protestants.
Second, true Baptists believe in the autonomy of the local church. As such we believe that every local church must become independent of any human authority outside its local members. In other terms, we are decentralized. We are not under another religious institution. We govern and make decisions locally. This view is evident among the first century New Testament local churches, such as but not limited to, the churches in Jerusalem as well as in Antioch (Acts 6:1-7; 13:1-3; 14:26-27; 15:1-35). The Lord Jesus prophesied what He wanted the local churches to follow in times of church discipline (Mat.18:15-17). Paul recommended to the Corinthian church some actions they needed to implement as a local church (1 Cor. 5:1-13). Although, Paul was the key in the founding of many local churches yet he did not place them under one organizational structure by which he governed them. There is no clear and strong evidence of centralized religious authority in the first century Christianity. In fact, this practice continued through the third centuries. When local churches, for whatever reasons, relinquish their freedom to another institution, who will dictate unto them what to do then they are not believers of this doctrine. As a local church CBC was divinely privileged to plant churches. We have no intention and strategy of permanently keeping them under the sending church. Our policy is to gradually lead them to become an autonomous local fundamental Baptist church. This autonomy, however, does not prohibit the local church to partner with other institutions of like faith and practice if it is not contrary to the Bible and if it will strengthen the church in the pursuit of its organizational goals. Some rejected this teaching for its perceived weakness such as the failure to make uniform doctrines and practices. Also its opposite has organizational advantages such as numbers and larger finances. These are humanistic and unscriptural.
Autonomy is not necessarily weakened even if a church engages in limited partnership provided the church will not surrender its freedom to join and to sever relations. In this area our local churches are still immature and are in great need of much dose of spiritual feeding to achieve maturity. Current groups that I know do not provide structure and respect for the autonomy of every local church and the representation of every church pastor as well as his equality, either in position or in power, with fellow pastors. Thus, we see and hear more new groups being born out of one group. Others are already frustrated to consider joining as they know divisions would soon creep in. However, that should never weaken us to continue seeking and working towards an improved structure and a more mature institutional leadership. I am greatly burdened of the need of our fellow pastors and church members for a stronger local churches partnership to build a powerful witness in this already decaying and disintegrating nation. Our spiritual and organizational condition is a mirror of our national condition. If truly we are the salt or preservative, then our model must be promoted and preached so our nation may find hope in us.
Third, true Baptists believe in the priesthood of every believer. This teaches that every saved church member possesses equal spiritual privileges with other persons regardless of their differences in education, economics, maturity and ecclesiastical positions. We base it on 1Peter 2:5-9. So a member could go directly to God without the help of anyone. S/he can pray directly to God without the aid of anyone and be heard by the Lord. S/he can bring tithes and offerings every time s/he worships Him at the church. S/he can render services and praises to God through the church ministries. This is entirely contrary to Romanists belief that one needs Mary to seek the help of Jesus. Or one must seek the priest to get divine graces through the sacraments. These last two are false and obnoxious lies originating from Satan’s mouth. Because of these errors, Filipinos were deceived by the conquistadores; that until now some are still under their spell although they were long gone. Many could not decide for their souls’ salvation without consulting another human being such as relatives. I remember a wife attending my baptismal class in one of the mission churches replied to my query for baptismal decision, “I will ask my husband first about baptism!” Another one sought the permission of parents and was not baptized due to parental opposition. Must we seek parental and conjugal permission before following the supreme Lord who saved our souls from hell and sustained our lives from dangers? Some Christians seek parental support before entering the full time ministry and would delay obedience due to unfavorable parental attitude. So Baptists have uniquely pursued what they discovered from the Bible – that s/he is free to make a godly decision without interference of any human being. CBC people let us live by this godly biblical principle. We are to heed godly counsel and direction but not those that lead us to wrong decision. You are accountable for every decision you make.
Fourth, true Baptists believe in two church ordinances. Church ordinances are not necessary for the soul’s salvation. However, they are scriptural commands to every saved person. S/he can’t please God without keeping these two ordinances. Thus, obedience is expected of the saved. Failure to do these means disobedience, an indication of the Spirit’s absence in the person’s life. Jesus declared that His true sheep (the Christian) hears His word and follows Him. A person is not a true Christian if s/he does not habitually hear God’s word and diligently practice the Word of God. These two ordinances are 1) water baptism by immersion; and 2) Lord’s supper. Passages teaching these are as follows Mat. 28:19-20; Ac.2:41-47; 8:12, 13, 26-40; 16:15, 30-34; 1 Cor.11:23-32. The command to be baptized must possess the following elements, namely; 1) the candidate is saved; 2) the mode is immersion; 3) the baptizer is an authorized Baptist fundamental minister; and 4) entrance into and association with the local Baptist church. There is no age and period to lapse after salvation requirement in the Bible. The Lord’s Supper is for the saved and baptized church members in good standing. It is meant to perpetuate the church’s recollection of the Savior’s work at Calvary. The elements of the Lord’s Supper are only symbolical of the body and blood of Christ. Thus, what matters most are our hearts and lives condition as well as the truth symbolized by the elements. So every partaker is to focus on the truths being taught and symbolized by the ordinance. These truths must control his heart, head, and hand. So every observance of this latter ordinance must be kept in the spirit of the cross. There must be true repentance from every known sin. There must be separation from every ungodly association. There must be the readiness to amend with another Christian. It is quite unfortunate that even church members do not diligently keep this ordinance. As such they are grossly sinning against the Lord who commanded this to be kept. Let us beware of undermining and underestimating the power and great holiness of this ordinance. Let us provoke many to follow Jesus in scriptural water baptism after confessing Christ as their Savior and to worthily partake of the Lord’s Supper.
(to be continued next issue)
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