By Ruth Salgado
After two years and eight months of praying, God gave Daniel Joshua to Pastor Nards and me on May 8, 2007. What a joy!
But after two weeks we learned that the much-awaited child was sick and needed special medical attention. At first I was shocked. I couldn’t say a word when the doctor explained to us the results of his laboratory exams and his condition. I was totally unprepared for the situation. Pastor and I both cried seeking the Lord’s guidance so that He would not allow the devil to penetrate our hearts and use the situation to discourage us and make us angry with God. As I remember, Pastor Jed said through text that the easiest way to accept the situation is to thank God for what He has allowed. It was hard but it really worked. We began searching our hearts for sin and neglect. I had been very careful during my pregnancy. I even took a leave from work for eleven months just so I could free myself from stress and a strenuous job. But still it happened.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8)
Since then we visited the hospital every two weeks to monitor Daniel’s health. One doctor said that we always need to be prepared because with his condition he might not live long. Oh! It was like a dagger that struck my heart. As months went by, we did see what was expected of him. Because he has a very small fontanel, his brain was not able to grow just like the normal child. This caused his seizures. He also has positioning which would last for almost two hours per episode.
On his fifth month his seizures attacked very often and his doctor advised that he be confined. One of our brethren referred us to the National Children’s Hospital (NCH), a public hospital for children. On October 17, 2007, we went there for check up and the following day we returned for Daniel’s confinement. During our 27-day-stay in the hospital, we saw how the Lord worked in us, how he moved people to be of help, and how He poured out His daily provisions. Cornerstone was our shelter then. We slept, ate, and did our laundry in the church. Pastor Jed and Ate Eden so generously and lovingly accommodated us. We do appreciate the Cornerstone family who offered prayers and help in whatever form.
If I felt the pain, how much more did Daniel. In his frail body, he experienced different kinds of laboratory exams that needed blood extraction. How many needles were pierced through his body because the dextrose was detached very often! He was fed through Oral Gastric Tube (OGT). The oxygen tank was our companion everyday. He took three high dose drugs to control his seizures, but sometimes these drugs were of no effect to him. In such situation we could only depend on God for help. Day and night we cried unto the Lord so that He would strengthen us. It was a daily battle. We prayed to God not to stop the storm we were in but to make us able to walk through it faithfully.
One week before our discharge from the hospital, we submitted my Philhealth so as to lessen our bills. But it was not honored due to the three months gap during my maternity leave. I was alarmed but Pastor Nards comforted me and told me that God is in control. True enough, the day before our discharge Pastor submitted his Philhealth and when the bill arrived we only had to pay P10.00! What a great God! The doctor advised us to buy an oxygen tank before going home. The brand new costs P4,600.00 at Bambang, Manila. That same day my sister called us up and told us that their office was selling an oxygen tank. When Pastor went there he got it for only P2,500.00!
We learned so many principles in that experience. God never made a mistake in bringing Daniel into this world. In fact, He used Daniel to show us our weaknesses so that we would trust in His strength. As a couple, it brought us closer together. We learned to appreciate and be thankful for the little improvements we saw in Daniel. God tested our faith and obedience through trials to help us grow.
The Lord is still pruning us now, ridding us of our rough edges so that we can be more effective in the ministry. It is hard, really hard because God used not hammer to mold us but a mallet. If it is the Lord’s will for our life, we submit to it. May He be glorified…
But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. (Job 23:10) Amen!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
God is the Father of the Saints
By Pastor Jed Raquintan
People see God as the father of all humanity. This is known as universalism. Some religious institutions regard this concept. Even non-religious groups believe the same. Others who do not believe in God are considered children of God. Some, in the name of their false god, use religious fanatics who massacre people through suicide bombings. Others claim the fatherhood of God while invading nations and making them vassals.
Our own local politicians who enjoy public service while pocketing the taxes paid by the citizens still go to their religious worship houses. Within Catholicism, followers fight one another for a bigger share in government corruption. Yet, her own religious leaders do not make any correction towards her rebellious priests and bishops. These are the so called moral molders of our society. Some of them even escaped the clutches of justice for such crimes and immorality of fathering children while still a religious priest.
Others became elderly only in age but not in godly wisdom as they are also seen in gross rebellion. How could a legislator while under trial for crime commit another crime of similar nature and yet demand respect? Liberal Protestants and some born again groups were likewise guilty of these sins. Yet, they also claim the fatherhood of God.
The god of these above mentioned people is not the same as the God of the Holy Scriptures. How do we know this? We shall examine the epistles of Apostle John who lived through the first century seeing all the wickedness of that period. He saw the struggle of the first century church against its false members, its fight with false teachings, and its admonition to the faithful members. The fallacy of the above mentioned universalism is anchored on limited human knowledge. This is a result of rejecting the eternal wisdom of God. The religious leaders, its politician-partners, and its followers are promoting alternatives concocted by their boastful reform without consultation with God’s counsel. They see their wisdom as superior and God’s word as irrelevant.
Thus, they will surely fail and even if they seemingly succeed time will show its weakness and soon destruction. Let us now turn to the eternal counsel of God’s word in 1 John 3:1 which says, Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Apostle John spoke of seven specific truths regarding the limited fatherhood of God.
First, saved people have fellowship with God the Father, 1Jn.1:3. John declared clearly that he and his readers have fellowship with the Father. They are acceptable to Him. He enjoys their company. They have commonality. They have passed His standards to be acceptable. What is His standard on this matter of fellowship? People must become sons of God (3:1). Without this condition human claim of His fatherhood is weightless and non-sense. This fellowship is not only spiritual but also in other aspect of human endeavor. For one to be rejected into fellowship is demeaning. So people longed to be accepted into such divine fellowship only to be refused because they failed to comply with His revealed (in Scriptures) standards. Are you accepted already into His fellowship? If so, then you must be saved already!
Second, saved people must separate from the world as willed by the Father, 1Jn.2:15-17. The ways of the world is never His plan. The world is currently at war with God. Their ways are not consistent with His ways. Consider the wicked way of that aged bishop and politician. What about the one who is ill with cancer? Nearing death yet still actively sinning! Where is the nationally known “born again brother” now? Some media practitioners are grossly and indirectly promoting wickedness more than the godliness of true saved people whose sacrifices are evident in their ministries. They prefer the evil adventurist more than the quiet yet godly servants of the Lord. I pray that no true believer would ever invest their money and skills in such occupational institutions. So why should we put our hard-earned money into those companies?
Third, saved people must remain true in His sound teaching, 1 Jn.2:22-24. People who reject Christ and refuse His gift of salvation are guilty of denying Him. They belong to the antichrist. They deny the Son of God and consequently the Father. The text also exhorts the saved to remain in the sound teaching of Christ (v.24). We are never to consider departing from it in whole as well as in part. As we see increasing apostasy nowadays, beware of slowly and scientifically sliding from what we heard in the past. Let us not consider departing from any point of doctrines. If we do that then we become liars (v.22, 24). As fundamental Baptists we must be steadfast in our doctrines. Let us not waiver in our position on the preserved word of God (in the King James Version). Preservation is a biblical doctrine. God has kept His word down to the smallest letter both in the original and in existing copies of the original manuscript. See 2 Jn. 9 as warned by the apostle who heard Christ teach this doctrine. Give no listening ear to any argument to the contrary position. Let us crusade this position else we can not preserve it in the coming evil days! Let us give our children and grandchildren a godly model of steadfastness. I pray none of us will succumb to the modern view in this matter.
Fourth, the saved people are called children of God, 1 Jn. 3:1. If we publicly claim this sole sonship of God or limited fatherhood of God then we can expect ridicule and persecution from the world. Why is that? Look at the latter part of the verse therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. So there is the reason of our earned rejection and ridicule from the unsaved people. Hence, do not be surprised by their ungodly attitude. You are more privileged than them. You are sound while they are insane! Verse 2 clearly distinguished the saved as His children while the others are not. The dehumanization of the Filipino rests not in its social corruption and oppression as claimed by social scientists. Rather in the believers’ failure to give the former a chance to get saved and aggravated by man’s rejection of the gospel. Those who reject our biblical programs emanating from the wisdom of God are dehumanizing themselves and others. Are you a child of God already?
Fifth, people get saved as they receive the Savior sent by the Father, 1 Jn.4:14-15. The Lord Jesus Christ left the glories of heaven to become man so He can provide us salvation. The Father planned this design. The Son of God humbly took the challenge. He saved those who came to Him and asked Him for salvation (v.15). Have you done this, dear friends? Delay no more to receive this precious gift of salvation! You can not die without this gift! Some things are evident here. The saved is possessed and indwelt by the Son of God. This is the undeniable mark of our being God’s! Also the saved are in God. God the Father desire everybody to be saved. Yet not all want to be saved. Others will continue in their rejection. Further, we owe God much. So He deserves our total devotion and submission. When the will of any human transgresses God’s will then we must unhesitatingly submit to God’s leadership. Employees must refuse submission to employer. Soldiers must not follow the orders of their officers if its sinful and unlawful. Citizens must refuse submission to lawful authorities who make ungodly demands.
Sixth, saved people receive God’s commandments to be obeyed, 2 Jn. 4. Remember Jesus declared His commands are not burdensome (Mt.11:30) as claimed by others. We ought to believe Christ more than man’s testimony concerning this matter (1 Jn.5:9). He gave us commandments for our benefits. Our obedience will bring blessings. Our disobedience will bring curses in our life, work, and society (Deut. 30:1-20). Religiosity is futile if we are violating His commands. As people become religious and yet rebellious to authority they are guilty of hypocrisy. Such is the mark of not being the child of God. He is not God’s son neither is He his father.
Finally, saved people are taught by the apostle that God our Father is with the other two persons of the Trinity (1 Jn.5:7) working harmoniously together. These three testify together for our benefit. In verse 6, the Spirit testifies to the truth. Likewise, the Son of God testifies to the same task (v.9). These three are engaged in the task of building up the saved. The text is one of the clear evidences in the New Testament teaching the existence of the Trinity and their role in our lives. Beware of those who pontifically say this was not part of the true word of God!
After considering these seven privileges God gave to every saved person, you can express much thanksgiving to God our Father. He bestowed all these unto us. None of these came from us. So we owe Him so much. Let us therefore begin this year with such resolute mind and heart to give Him all the devotion of a saved person. Amen!
People see God as the father of all humanity. This is known as universalism. Some religious institutions regard this concept. Even non-religious groups believe the same. Others who do not believe in God are considered children of God. Some, in the name of their false god, use religious fanatics who massacre people through suicide bombings. Others claim the fatherhood of God while invading nations and making them vassals.
Our own local politicians who enjoy public service while pocketing the taxes paid by the citizens still go to their religious worship houses. Within Catholicism, followers fight one another for a bigger share in government corruption. Yet, her own religious leaders do not make any correction towards her rebellious priests and bishops. These are the so called moral molders of our society. Some of them even escaped the clutches of justice for such crimes and immorality of fathering children while still a religious priest.
Others became elderly only in age but not in godly wisdom as they are also seen in gross rebellion. How could a legislator while under trial for crime commit another crime of similar nature and yet demand respect? Liberal Protestants and some born again groups were likewise guilty of these sins. Yet, they also claim the fatherhood of God.
The god of these above mentioned people is not the same as the God of the Holy Scriptures. How do we know this? We shall examine the epistles of Apostle John who lived through the first century seeing all the wickedness of that period. He saw the struggle of the first century church against its false members, its fight with false teachings, and its admonition to the faithful members. The fallacy of the above mentioned universalism is anchored on limited human knowledge. This is a result of rejecting the eternal wisdom of God. The religious leaders, its politician-partners, and its followers are promoting alternatives concocted by their boastful reform without consultation with God’s counsel. They see their wisdom as superior and God’s word as irrelevant.
Thus, they will surely fail and even if they seemingly succeed time will show its weakness and soon destruction. Let us now turn to the eternal counsel of God’s word in 1 John 3:1 which says, Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Apostle John spoke of seven specific truths regarding the limited fatherhood of God.
First, saved people have fellowship with God the Father, 1Jn.1:3. John declared clearly that he and his readers have fellowship with the Father. They are acceptable to Him. He enjoys their company. They have commonality. They have passed His standards to be acceptable. What is His standard on this matter of fellowship? People must become sons of God (3:1). Without this condition human claim of His fatherhood is weightless and non-sense. This fellowship is not only spiritual but also in other aspect of human endeavor. For one to be rejected into fellowship is demeaning. So people longed to be accepted into such divine fellowship only to be refused because they failed to comply with His revealed (in Scriptures) standards. Are you accepted already into His fellowship? If so, then you must be saved already!
Second, saved people must separate from the world as willed by the Father, 1Jn.2:15-17. The ways of the world is never His plan. The world is currently at war with God. Their ways are not consistent with His ways. Consider the wicked way of that aged bishop and politician. What about the one who is ill with cancer? Nearing death yet still actively sinning! Where is the nationally known “born again brother” now? Some media practitioners are grossly and indirectly promoting wickedness more than the godliness of true saved people whose sacrifices are evident in their ministries. They prefer the evil adventurist more than the quiet yet godly servants of the Lord. I pray that no true believer would ever invest their money and skills in such occupational institutions. So why should we put our hard-earned money into those companies?
Third, saved people must remain true in His sound teaching, 1 Jn.2:22-24. People who reject Christ and refuse His gift of salvation are guilty of denying Him. They belong to the antichrist. They deny the Son of God and consequently the Father. The text also exhorts the saved to remain in the sound teaching of Christ (v.24). We are never to consider departing from it in whole as well as in part. As we see increasing apostasy nowadays, beware of slowly and scientifically sliding from what we heard in the past. Let us not consider departing from any point of doctrines. If we do that then we become liars (v.22, 24). As fundamental Baptists we must be steadfast in our doctrines. Let us not waiver in our position on the preserved word of God (in the King James Version). Preservation is a biblical doctrine. God has kept His word down to the smallest letter both in the original and in existing copies of the original manuscript. See 2 Jn. 9 as warned by the apostle who heard Christ teach this doctrine. Give no listening ear to any argument to the contrary position. Let us crusade this position else we can not preserve it in the coming evil days! Let us give our children and grandchildren a godly model of steadfastness. I pray none of us will succumb to the modern view in this matter.
Fourth, the saved people are called children of God, 1 Jn. 3:1. If we publicly claim this sole sonship of God or limited fatherhood of God then we can expect ridicule and persecution from the world. Why is that? Look at the latter part of the verse therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. So there is the reason of our earned rejection and ridicule from the unsaved people. Hence, do not be surprised by their ungodly attitude. You are more privileged than them. You are sound while they are insane! Verse 2 clearly distinguished the saved as His children while the others are not. The dehumanization of the Filipino rests not in its social corruption and oppression as claimed by social scientists. Rather in the believers’ failure to give the former a chance to get saved and aggravated by man’s rejection of the gospel. Those who reject our biblical programs emanating from the wisdom of God are dehumanizing themselves and others. Are you a child of God already?
Fifth, people get saved as they receive the Savior sent by the Father, 1 Jn.4:14-15. The Lord Jesus Christ left the glories of heaven to become man so He can provide us salvation. The Father planned this design. The Son of God humbly took the challenge. He saved those who came to Him and asked Him for salvation (v.15). Have you done this, dear friends? Delay no more to receive this precious gift of salvation! You can not die without this gift! Some things are evident here. The saved is possessed and indwelt by the Son of God. This is the undeniable mark of our being God’s! Also the saved are in God. God the Father desire everybody to be saved. Yet not all want to be saved. Others will continue in their rejection. Further, we owe God much. So He deserves our total devotion and submission. When the will of any human transgresses God’s will then we must unhesitatingly submit to God’s leadership. Employees must refuse submission to employer. Soldiers must not follow the orders of their officers if its sinful and unlawful. Citizens must refuse submission to lawful authorities who make ungodly demands.
Sixth, saved people receive God’s commandments to be obeyed, 2 Jn. 4. Remember Jesus declared His commands are not burdensome (Mt.11:30) as claimed by others. We ought to believe Christ more than man’s testimony concerning this matter (1 Jn.5:9). He gave us commandments for our benefits. Our obedience will bring blessings. Our disobedience will bring curses in our life, work, and society (Deut. 30:1-20). Religiosity is futile if we are violating His commands. As people become religious and yet rebellious to authority they are guilty of hypocrisy. Such is the mark of not being the child of God. He is not God’s son neither is He his father.
Finally, saved people are taught by the apostle that God our Father is with the other two persons of the Trinity (1 Jn.5:7) working harmoniously together. These three testify together for our benefit. In verse 6, the Spirit testifies to the truth. Likewise, the Son of God testifies to the same task (v.9). These three are engaged in the task of building up the saved. The text is one of the clear evidences in the New Testament teaching the existence of the Trinity and their role in our lives. Beware of those who pontifically say this was not part of the true word of God!
After considering these seven privileges God gave to every saved person, you can express much thanksgiving to God our Father. He bestowed all these unto us. None of these came from us. So we owe Him so much. Let us therefore begin this year with such resolute mind and heart to give Him all the devotion of a saved person. Amen!
Moving Forward to 2008
A year has passed for CAM Agri Project. Looking back, the Lord has taught us a lot of how to’s—how to manage the farm, how to deal with people, how to maximize the resources, how to bounce back from defeat, how to sustain the work, how to,… etc, etc. In all of these how to’s, we saw the hand of God moving and molding us in the way He wants us to be—ever trusting and leaning on Him. True, there were mistakes done, failures, discouragements, and disappointments. But in all of these, the Lord God sustained us and the Project is still existent and continuing despite its limited resources. The love, understanding, and support of some of the brethren provided encouragement during those times we were tempted to call it quits.
After four months of waiting, we have finally harvested the palay. The land yielded a total of 25-30 sacks of palay (yet to be milled). Much prayer was given for this palay as several typhoons threatened to destroy the crop. But thanks to God who shielded them from the harshness of the rain and blessed us with sunlight when it was time to harvest and dry it.
The number of our goats has also doubled to 12, with some of the does giving birth. God has also protected these animals as we have zero mortality to date.
We envision the year 2008 to be another exciting and faith-filled year for CAM as we continue on the above projects and embark on new ones. Lord willing, the plan to invest on high-breed goats will start this year. As a response to the government’s plan to construct a dam in Laiban, Rizal, the CAM management has been busy looking for an alternative farm. Please pray that we will be able to find one.
May you continue to support us this year and the coming years to come. God bless us all!
After four months of waiting, we have finally harvested the palay. The land yielded a total of 25-30 sacks of palay (yet to be milled). Much prayer was given for this palay as several typhoons threatened to destroy the crop. But thanks to God who shielded them from the harshness of the rain and blessed us with sunlight when it was time to harvest and dry it.
The number of our goats has also doubled to 12, with some of the does giving birth. God has also protected these animals as we have zero mortality to date.
We envision the year 2008 to be another exciting and faith-filled year for CAM as we continue on the above projects and embark on new ones. Lord willing, the plan to invest on high-breed goats will start this year. As a response to the government’s plan to construct a dam in Laiban, Rizal, the CAM management has been busy looking for an alternative farm. Please pray that we will be able to find one.
May you continue to support us this year and the coming years to come. God bless us all!
Apple of His Eyes
By Annabelle Ragsac
Most people around us see us, singles, as loveless. We do not have someone special or we are special to no one. Or worse, they even judge us as wanting and unhappy individuals. Do we really see ourselves as such? Do we feel that way... loveless and dejected singles?
As children of God, we always know and believe the love and concern of God for us. However, many children of God do not genuinely grasp or deeply realize the depth and profound reality of God's love. A lot of Christians deny themselves the fullness of deep joy and satisfaction that really should be theirs, simply because they either do not appreciate or are not able to understand the very special relationship that should exist between them and God Himself. Our fallen nature dictates that we always look or concentrate on something that is lacking in us. The society’s norm is sometimes our standard and model.
What I want to emphasize here is how our Father sees us and His very special quality of love toward us. The Bible implies that both the ancient Israel and the true New Testament God’s people or the Church are considered the apple of God’s eye or His peculiar treasure (Deut. 7:6-8; Titus 2:11-14; I Pet. 2:1-9). Do you really believe that you are personally the apple of God s eye? Do you actually feel you are beloved of God? Or is the love of God more of a concept or an abstract notion to you? As a Christian, I firmly believe that I am the apple of His eyes. That is always the hope I raise or invoke every time I face hardship or unfair treatment from unbelievers. I find my value because of that benefit and I feel special to someone who is very special! Such is the case with you and me and all who are so specially loved by the Father.
In my secular job, there were times I experienced unjust treatment from my superiors. I also encountered deceits or backstabbing from my colleagues. My encouragement always is the thought that I know that My Father loves me so much, that I am the apple of His eyes. “...for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye ...’(Zech 2:8). I enjoyed thinking that if God is for me, who can be against me. Who will bring any charge against those whom God hath chosen? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? (Rom. 8). Who will have the last laugh?
I believe my Father can overturn an event or shake the whole agency where I am working just for MY sake, or just for the sake of any single Christian! Yes, our God can open any door anywhere just for us and He will do what is right for us. Indeed, God Himself promises to fight for us. I cannot say these things if I did not experience how the hands of God moved especially just for MY sake. But such great privilege means great responsibility. We will enjoy such as long as we are living right with God, as long as we do not refuse His role in our lives.
Are you also enjoying that very special feeling of being loved, of being close to and highly prized by God Himself? God supremely loves more than you and I could ever possibly imagine. He never ceases to love us. It is by His grace that he loves us that much. Yes, the Father of the Saints absolutely loves and we are His beloved!
Most people around us see us, singles, as loveless. We do not have someone special or we are special to no one. Or worse, they even judge us as wanting and unhappy individuals. Do we really see ourselves as such? Do we feel that way... loveless and dejected singles?
As children of God, we always know and believe the love and concern of God for us. However, many children of God do not genuinely grasp or deeply realize the depth and profound reality of God's love. A lot of Christians deny themselves the fullness of deep joy and satisfaction that really should be theirs, simply because they either do not appreciate or are not able to understand the very special relationship that should exist between them and God Himself. Our fallen nature dictates that we always look or concentrate on something that is lacking in us. The society’s norm is sometimes our standard and model.
What I want to emphasize here is how our Father sees us and His very special quality of love toward us. The Bible implies that both the ancient Israel and the true New Testament God’s people or the Church are considered the apple of God’s eye or His peculiar treasure (Deut. 7:6-8; Titus 2:11-14; I Pet. 2:1-9). Do you really believe that you are personally the apple of God s eye? Do you actually feel you are beloved of God? Or is the love of God more of a concept or an abstract notion to you? As a Christian, I firmly believe that I am the apple of His eyes. That is always the hope I raise or invoke every time I face hardship or unfair treatment from unbelievers. I find my value because of that benefit and I feel special to someone who is very special! Such is the case with you and me and all who are so specially loved by the Father.
In my secular job, there were times I experienced unjust treatment from my superiors. I also encountered deceits or backstabbing from my colleagues. My encouragement always is the thought that I know that My Father loves me so much, that I am the apple of His eyes. “...for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye ...’(Zech 2:8). I enjoyed thinking that if God is for me, who can be against me. Who will bring any charge against those whom God hath chosen? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? (Rom. 8). Who will have the last laugh?
I believe my Father can overturn an event or shake the whole agency where I am working just for MY sake, or just for the sake of any single Christian! Yes, our God can open any door anywhere just for us and He will do what is right for us. Indeed, God Himself promises to fight for us. I cannot say these things if I did not experience how the hands of God moved especially just for MY sake. But such great privilege means great responsibility. We will enjoy such as long as we are living right with God, as long as we do not refuse His role in our lives.
Are you also enjoying that very special feeling of being loved, of being close to and highly prized by God Himself? God supremely loves more than you and I could ever possibly imagine. He never ceases to love us. It is by His grace that he loves us that much. Yes, the Father of the Saints absolutely loves and we are His beloved!
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